Hiking With Dogs in the Summer (Our Best Tips)

Summertime is the most popular time of year to go hiking, and it’s also the hottest time of year. Make sure you know how to stay safe when hiking with dogs in the summer months so that you can have fun and enjoy the hike while keeping your dog safe at the same time.

Here are a few tips on how to keep your dog cool while hiking in the summer heat and still have fun!

Avoid Hiking During the Hottest Hours of the Day

The best time to hike in the Summer is early morning or evening when the sun isn’t as strong. Always bring plenty of water for both you and your dog, and take breaks often to avoid overheating.

If you plan to hike during warmer months, make sure your dog is well-conditioned for hiking. Exercising them on hot days can cause issues if they’re not used to it. Find a shaded trail and bring plenty of water, even if your dog only needs small amounts.

Stick to Shady, Easier Trails in the Heat

When hiking with your dog in the summer, it’s important to consider both your own safety and your dog’s safety. The heat can be dangerous for both of you, so it’s important to take things slow and easy. Stick to shady, well-known trails that won’t be too challenging in the heat.

Start out with trails that you and your dog have hiked before in the cooler parts of the year. Make sure you go shorter and slower to start out with and start building up based on how your dog handles each hike.

Bring a Portable Dog Bowl and Offer Your Pup Water Regularly

Mia Drinking from Collapsible Bowl
Miss Mia drinking from one of our collapsible bowls. These are seriously one of the greatest inventions ever made.

It’s important to keep your dog hydrated while hiking, especially in the summer heat.

Bring a portable dog bowl and offer your pup water regularly. If your dog doesn’t want to drink, stop and rest in the shade to give them a chance to cool down.

Also, make sure to drink plenty of water yourself. Dehydration can happen quickly if you’re out hiking for long periods of time, so it’s crucial that you and your dog stay hydrated. Look for a shady spot and stop for a few minutes to rest.

Consider Investing in a Cooling Vest or Bandana for Your Dog to Wear

Dog Wearing Bandana
Banda is perfect for your active pup!

If you’re going to be hiking with your dog in the summer, it’s important to keep them cool. One way to do this is by investing in a cooling vest or bandana for them to wear. These items work by absorbing your dog’s body heat and then releasing it back into the air. They can be a lifesaver on hot days!

A cooling vest or bandana may be able to help your dog when hiking in hot weather. While you might worry about your furry friend overheating, it’s important to remember that dogs have fur that traps their body heat and insulates them from the cool air. Therefore, it’s crucial to protect them from excessive heat!

These cooling vests and bananas haven’t had extensive independent research done, but some people have found that they seem to help their dogs. You may want to try them out for your dog to see if they help!

Health Risks of Dog Overheating

While hiking is a great way to bond with your furry friend, it’s important to be aware of the health risks associated with dog overheating. Heat strokeOpens in a new tab. is a serious condition that can occur when dogs are exposed to high temperatures for too long.

Symptoms of heat stroke include panting, drooling, increased body temperature, and vomiting. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to cool your dog down immediately and seek medical attention.

There are many things you can do to prevent overheating, however. The most important step is to never leave your dog unattended for long periods of time, especially during hot weather. If you are planning a hike or other outdoor activity, bring water for both yourself and your pet.

Monitor your dog’s temperature and avoid strenuous activities in hot weather, as exercise causes them to produce heat more quickly.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that older dogs and certain breeds, such as pugs and boxers, are more susceptible to overheating. If you’re planning a hike or other activity for your dog, it’s a good idea to consult a veterinarian about their health.

Finally, if you do see signs of overheating it’s important to cool your dog down quickly and get them medical attention. You can use cool water on them, but not too cold because being cooled too quickly can be dangerous. If you can safely get your dog into an air-conditioned car it will help them cool down faster.

Once you know what signs to look for, overheating is easily preventable. With a little care and preparation, you can keep your dog safe while enjoying all that nature has to offer.

Dog Heat Stroke Symptoms

Thermometer Showing High Temperature
Keep your dog hydrated in a hot weather.

While most dogs will enjoy a hike on a hot day, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of heat stroke. Symptoms of heat stroke in dogs include excessive panting, drooling, glazed eyes, weakness, increased body temperature, and collapse.

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, stop hiking immediately and cool them down with water and shade. Heat stroke is a serious condition that can be fatal, so it’s important to take precautions when hiking in the summer heat.

If you’re hiking or taking a long walk on a hot day, try to take frequent breaks to let your dog cool down. If you notice your dog is struggling, consider walking on dirt trails or near trees so your dog can lay underneath and get some relief from direct sunlight.

Avoid hiking in direct sunlight if possible; instead, opt for an early morning or evening hike when it’s cooler. If you’re planning to exercise your dog off-leash before or after a hike, keep them leashed until they have fully cooled down.

Many dogs enjoy swimming during summer days, which can be a great way to cool off. However, be aware that ice and cold water are more dangerous than heat and hot water.

You should be particularly careful when taking long walks or hikes, which can quickly lead to heat stroke. If you plan on hiking for a long period of time, consider leaving your dog at home. It’s also important to bring plenty of water for both you and your dog—one large bottle of water per person is a good rule of thumb.

To make sure your dog stays hydrated, take breaks every 20 minutes to give them a drink and let them rest. On hot days it’s also important to make sure that your dog isn’t wearing any heavy coats or other types of clothing as these will trap heat and cause more discomfort.

Ryan H

I love hiking and being outdoors with Jen and our two rescue dogs, Chompers and Mia. I also enjoy a good weekend trail run. I'm also really enjoying sharing some of the knowledge we've learned along the way here on Zenful Hiking!

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